durusmail: durus-users: Fwd: Durus-users post from mehgcap@gmail.com requires approval
Fwd: Durus-users post from mehgcap@gmail.com requires approval
Fwd: Durus-users post from mehgcap@gmail.com requires approval
Fwd: Durus-users post from mehgcap@gmail.com requires approval
Fwd: Durus-users post from mehgcap@gmail.com requires approval
Fwd: Durus-users post from mehgcap@gmail.com requires approval
Alex Hall
On 6/21/10, Binger David  wrote:
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Binger David 
>> Date: June 21, 2010 11:11:35 PM EDT
>> To: durus-users-owner@mems-exchange.org
>> Subject: Re: Durus-users post from mehgcap@gmail.com requires approval
>> Thanks, Alex.
>> I was hoping to find something unusual in this, but it looks normal.
>> The earlier traceback shows that a connection is opening a durus
>> storage file, and it can't load the "durus.persistent_dict" class that
>> happens to be the class of the root object.  I'm having trouble
>> thinking of a reason this would happen, since durus.connection
>> seems to load just fine.
>> Perhaps you could remove the _persistent.pyd file to see if the
>> qwitter code works without it.  I doubt if this will work, though, since
>> _persistent.pyd seems to load fine when you start it by hand.
I did that, and there was no change.
>> Do you have two versions of python installed, by any chance?
Yes, 2.5 and 2.6.
>> Could it be that the python you run at the command line differs
>> from the one used by qwitter?
No. The "python" variable is set to 2.5, so I always type out, for
example, "c:\python26\python.exe c:\qwitter\src\qwitter.pyw". I never
use the "python" var since it is not the right version and I have not
gotten around to reassigning it yet.
>> Anyone else have ideas on this one?
>> On Jun 21, 2010, at 6:58 PM, durus-users-owner@mems-exchange.org wrote:
>>> On 6/21/10, Binger David  wrote:
>>>> Hi Alex,
>>>> Please start python with the -v flag,
>>>> type "import durus.persistent_dict"
>>>> and send me the output.
>>> ...
>>>>>> import durus.persistent_dict
>>> # C:\python26\lib\encodings\cp437.pyc matches
>>> C:\python26\lib\encodings\cp437.py
>>> import encodings.cp437 # precompiled from
>>> C:\python26\lib\encodings\cp437.pyc
>>> import durus # directory C:\python26\lib\site-packages\durus
>>> # C:\python26\lib\site-packages\durus\__init__.pyc matches
>>> C:\python26\lib\site-
>>> packages\durus\__init__.py
>>> import durus # precompiled from
>>> C:\python26\lib\site-packages\durus\__init__.pyc
>>> # C:\python26\lib\site-packages\durus\persistent_dict.pyc matches
>>> C:\python26\li
>>> b\site-packages\durus\persistent_dict.py
>>> import durus.persistent_dict # precompiled from
>>> C:\python26\lib\site-packages\du
>>> rus\persistent_dict.pyc
>>> # C:\python26\lib\copy.pyc matches C:\python26\lib\copy.py
>>> import copy # precompiled from C:\python26\lib\copy.pyc
>>> # C:\python26\lib\site-packages\durus\persistent.pyc matches
>>> C:\python26\lib\sit
>>> e-packages\durus\persistent.py
>>> import durus.persistent # precompiled from
>>> C:\python26\lib\site-packages\durus\p
>>> ersistent.pyc
>>> # C:\python26\lib\site-packages\durus\utils.pyc matches
>>> C:\python26\lib\site-pac
>>> kages\durus\utils.py
>>> import durus.utils # precompiled from
>>> C:\python26\lib\site-packages\durus\utils.
>>> pyc
>>> # C:\python26\lib\struct.pyc matches C:\python26\lib\struct.py
>>> import struct # precompiled from C:\python26\lib\struct.pyc
>>> import _struct # builtin
>>> import cStringIO # builtin
>>> import cPickle # builtin
>>> import durus._persistent # dynamically loaded from
>>> C:\python26\lib\site-packages
>>> \durus\_persistent.pyd
>>> I am not sure what all this means, but there seems to be no problem
>>> doing it this way. Doing the same thing without the -v switch does not
>>> throw any errors either...
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
mehgcap@gmail.com; http://www.facebook.com/mehgcap