I am pleased to announce the first public release of moellus (version 0.3), a soft layer on Durus, under LGPL. Moellus has come about while I was trying to figure out how best to use Durus, simply, quickly, and with a clear model to help me think. As others may find it of some value, I have made the effort to clean up the code enough that it might be understandable not only by me, add an example and some basic documentation. Moellus is a modest package, attempting to do a few specific things only, and only for Durus. It is also very young, and I hope to have the opportunity to review and improve on some of the choices made earlier. In light of this, _any_ and _all_ of your feedback is most welcome. A description, some doc, the distribution can be found at: http://scoopics.com/software/moellus/ The distribution zip file is about 80KB, but most of that is coming from the pdf of the UML diagram for the sample model for the demo, included in the distribution. mario