* Michael Watkins wrote [2005-09-08 16:18:08 -0700]: (resent from the right email address...) Anyone - can you think of reasons why ComputedAttribute's __dict__['value'] could be empty, under the following: - web app running SCGI, or simple server or medusa server - 3.0a and 3.0 release Durus - simple object, something like: Pages() def get_recent_items(self): def compute(): result = [page for page in self.items.itervalues() if page.is_published()] result = attr_sort(result, 'creation_date'] return result return self._v_recentitems(compute) where: - Pages.items is either a dict or Btree() - no calls to self._v_recentitems.invalidate() made - get_recent_items() gets called from a _q_index page - refreshing browser on same page without navigating away invariably causes the compute() function to be called again; third refresh is returned quickly as get_recent_items() returns from ComputedAttribute cached data. I've not experienced this when using a python client like 'opendb', and have also confirmed that this occurs in Durus 2 as well as 3.0x. Any thoughts or suggestions on where to go from here? Mike