On Oct 9, 2005, at 10:29 AM, Oleg Broytmann wrote: > Hello! Thank you for replying! > > On Sun, Oct 09, 2005 at 10:02:05AM -0400, David Binger wrote: > >> Are you talking about iterating over the keys of an index, and >> loading >> some subset of the values based on information that is encoded in >> the keys? >> > > Yes, exactly. I'd like to write a program that will do all kind of > searches through a huge list of objects, and I need to make the > program > speed- and memory-efficient. Iterating over indices seems like a > good (if > not the only) approach. The volume of data that is loaded when you load an instance can be managed by moving bigger (non-key-ish) data into sub-instances. For representing email messages, for instance, you might keep subject and sender in a persistent instance with all of the other data in a sub-instance. This is essentially the same thing as having separate information-rich keys, but it may be easier to manage. > > >> References are really the dominant structural feature. >> > > What is a "reference"? You don't mean deep object hierarchies > (a.b.c.d), > do you? I mean a Persistent instance has a direct reference to another Persistant instance, without going through any application-level index. If the situation requires following chains of several references to get to the object of interest, then that is indeed what I mean. > > Oleg. > -- > Oleg Broytmann http://phd.pp.ru/ > phd@phd.pp.ru > Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN. > _______________________________________________ > Durus-users mailing list > Durus-users@mems-exchange.org > http://mail.mems-exchange.org/mailman/listinfo/durus-users >