On Sun, 9 Oct 2005 14:36:03 -0400 David Bingerwrote: > C.J. Date's "Database In Depth" gives an interesting description of > the relational model and how SQL falls short of the ideal. > Although he mocks OODBs, I still liked his book. > > > OODB advantage: there is no impedance mismatch between the OODB and > > the programming language - the OODB stores language objects. I wonder if C.J.Date mentioned anything about databases for storing large dense graphs in that book ? I suspect this is an area where OODB would be more suitable than Relational DBs. Just to give an example, the Brazilian Government is sponsoring a project to build an AI system to double-check tax declarations. We are talking about 200 million people. One of this project goals is to examine the relationship graph (family, employment, etc) trying to detect fraud. Even though that can be modelled in a Relational DB, I'll investigate if an OODB with an appropriate storage would give better performance. My instinct says yes. By the way, I helped another federal project to build a Python desktop app to record info from more than 150.000 public schools. While working off-line, such app used Twisted + **Durus**. But unfortunately, due to the rampant corruption unveiled recently, the project is in the freezer. If it ever gets out I'll let you know. Congratulations on this wonderful work, and thanks for releasing it. Best regards, Rod Senra rsenra __at__ acm.org http://www.rodrigo.senra.nom.br