On Oct 12, 2005, at 2:08 AM, Michael Watkins wrote: > It looks to be taking about 10 minutes at 230k/second to get from the > server in > New Jersey to the wet west coast here in Vancouver. In either case, > once folks > have downloaded the files please send me a note so I can move them > off-line. Vancouver? Nice place... lived there for 10 good years. Still have ties there, so likely I will visit again... However, it is on a significant time difference than CET ;-( So, seeing your mail now, it seems you have already moved the files. I would also be interested to make a little test application with that data sample... If you do not mind, can you send me the links again, either here or privately? Note that if you do not want these lying exposed on your server, you can use something like yousendit.com or even skype to transfer to specific known users. For yousendit, you will upload only once, then the addressed may download within a specific period of 7 days, after which they are delected. Patrick, could this be the basis of a comparison between various implementation scenarios? It is rather relational in nature though... if we define what the test application should do, then whoever wants can implement the test to those speces. Thanks, mario