durusmail: durus-users: Durus egg binaries available for Windows
Durus egg binaries available for Windows
Durus egg binaries available for Windows
Titus Brown
Hi all,

I'm working on distributing an application that will use Durus, and it
must run on Windows as well as UNIX-based OSes.  One of the early
problems I ran into was my lack of a Windows C compiler; so, I had a
local friend who *was* so blessed, Brandon King, build me a few eggs.

This required only the addition of

        from setuptools import setup

in the top of 'setup.py', and then 'python setup.py bdist_egg' for both
python 2.3 and python 2.4.

I've placed the eggs here:


You can just use

        easy_install -f http://issola.caltech.edu/~t/dist/ Durus

to install them on Windows.

If the mems-exchange folk would be interested in incorporating this
change to setup.py and/or producing and/or hosting eggs, it'd be great!
