For Google's sake primarily, here is a comparison of three storages, FileStorage2, ShelfStorage, and PostgresStorage. Anytime a large number of new objects are being created and committed to a database, of any type, there's no escaping the need to think about the creation/persistence strategy unless you have infinite RAM available. Conclusion: for many use cases, ShelfStorage is a real winner! Observation: FileStorage2 is a more efficient writer. 1. Create a new storage ----------------------- 500,000 "NewsItem" instances - FileStorage2 341 (341MB RAM consumed at max) ShelfStorage 535 (375MB) PgStorage 867 Python: approx 105MB, pg: 30 - 45MB 2. Migrate an existing storage ------------------------------ A low level "copy" of a file-based storage to pgsql Storage - this shows off Postgresql's "COPY" statement. 533,337 objects: 74.24 seconds (Note that 23 seconds or so is the startup time of the file-based storage... so about 50 seconds to do a bulk load once you have your object record prepared.) If I had the desire to re-design the Postgresql storage I think I'd experiment with using COPY for doing regular object inserts into the db. 3. Time to Pack --------------- (following initial commit of 500,000 new object instances; does not include start up time) Seconds RAM Consumed During FileStorage2 52 214MB ShelfStorage 247 74 PgStorage 163 29 (Postgresql server) 44 (Python process) 4. Start Up Times ----------------- (time to get "root") Seconds RAM Consumed FileStorage2 Before pack 12.316 75MB After pack 3.923 104MB ShelfStorage Before pack 18.696 75MB After pack 0.001 14MB PgStorage 0.084 Python: 15MB Postgres: 18MB 5. Time to Access Objects ------------------------- Best of three runs; random object from within the 500,000 news items returned. (All times after pack, in seconds) Constant |--- Random --------------------- 1 10 100 1000 FileStorage2 0.006 0.128 0.294 1.970 ShelfStorage 0.010 0.063 0.317 2.113 PgStorage 0,008 0.099 0.576 3.372 :! |& tee /tmp/v341441/1942 time to root 23.8985710144 Executing:Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.0801169872284 Last result: ('Get one', , 'News item 122') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.0923748016357 Last result: ('last of 10', , 'News item 488436') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.402265071869 Last result: ('last of 100', , 'News item 335927') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:2.19541192055 Last result: ('last of 1000', , 'News item 67932') time to root 0.00104188919067 Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.00779795646667 Last result: ('Get one', , 'News item 122') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.0480928421021 Last result: ('last of 10', , 'News item 298789') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.35208106041 Last result: ('last of 100', , 'News item 280986') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:2.34385490417 Last result: ('last of 1000', , 'News item 202171') :! |& tee /tmp/v341441/2046 time to root 0.00103092193604 Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.00763297080994 Last result: ('Get one', , 'News item 122') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.0988612174988 Last result: ('last of 10', , 'News item 328562') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.811402082443 Last result: ('last of 100', , 'News item 261994') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:6.95415091515 Last result: ('last of 1000', , 'News item 363208') g# /www/lib/parlez/test% python -OO time to root 0.00103402137756 Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.00691914558411 Last result: ('Get one', , 'News item 122') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.109712123871 Last result: ('last of 10', , 'News item 337818') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.549973964691 Last result: ('last of 100', , 'News item 462327') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:4.48995804787 Last result: ('last of 1000', , 'News item 156833') 16MB --- frog# /www/lib/parlez/test% python -OO time to root 0.00104188919067 Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.0073230266571 Last result: ('Get one', , 'News item 122') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.108702898026 Last result: ('last of 10', , 'News item 269579') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.528451919556 Last result: ('last of 100', , 'News item 225540') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:4.08506298065 Last result: ('last of 1000', , 'News item 219090') 104MB --- frog# /www/lib/parlez/test% python -OO time to root 3.99423408508 Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.00610613822937 Last result: ('Get one', , 'News item 122') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.111690998077 Last result: ('last of 10', , 'News item 7516') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.299579143524 Last result: ('last of 100', , 'News item 176199') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:1.95170402527 Last result: ('last of 1000', , 'News item 78696') PG time to root 0.0838949680328 Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.0108370780945 Last result: ('Get one', , '122 news item') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.0615499019623 Last result: ('last of 10', , '286915 news item') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.465358018875 Last result: ('last of 100', , '274957 news item') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:3.03280711174 Last result: ('last of 1000', , '362657 news item') time to root 0.08460688591 Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.0102488994598 Last result: ('Get one', , '122 news item') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.0701730251312 Last result: ('last of 10', , '204234 news item') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.8127348423 Last result: ('last of 100', , '275712 news item') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:3.86406707764 Last result: ('last of 1000', , '142954 news item') time to root 0.0844349861145 Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.0102880001068 Last result: ('Get one', , '122 news item') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.117120981216 Last result: ('last of 10', , '404922 news item') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:0.478250980377 Last result: ('last of 100', , '185840 news item') Executing: Iterations:1 Elapsed:3.01914596558 Last result: ('last of 1000', , '198043 news item')