durusmail: mems-talk: electro and electroless plating for Ni?
electro and electroless plating for Ni?
electro and electroless plating for Ni?
Christopher Blanford
Try searching for nickel electroplating on the Nickel Development Institute's
web page: http://www.nidi.org/

Also, the Electrochemical Society put out a book called "Modern Electroplating"
in 1974 with a chapter on Electroless Plating (Ch 31) by Fred Pearlstein, in
which many electroless Ni baths are listed. I'm sure there are more modern refs,


In message  General
MEMS discussion  writes:
> Hi there,
> Any infomation about electro and electroless plating for Ni?
> Thank you for any help!
> chenyan

Christopher F. Blanford
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QR, UK
Phone: (44)/(0)-1865-282603; Fax: (44)/(0)-1865-272690
PGP keyID: 8D830BC9  http://pgp.mit.edu/
