The address, phone number and fax number for MEMStek is shown below: MEMStek Products, LLC 2111 SE Columbia Way, Suite 120 Vancouver, WA 98661 Phone: (360) 699-6465 Fax: (360) 699-6415 I hope this helps! Regards, Douglas Finke Vice-President and General Manager Standard Microsystem Corporation MEMS Wafer Foundry Business Unit Phone: (516) 435-6004 Fax: (516) 434-7360 Email: WWW: ========================================================= No this is not a Personals add. I am a grad student at Georgia Tech and I am trying to locate the author of a MEMS paper. THe person I am trying to locate is Keren Deng who used to attend Case Western and worked to Dr. Mehregany. I have contacted Dr. Mehregany and he told me that Keren works for a company called MEMSTek in Vancouver Oregon, but I can find no trace of such a company on the internet. If any reader of this newsgroup knows either of the COmpany MEMSTek or Keren please contact me Scott Coleman email