Prof. Howe and I have collected references of papers written since 1980 which report the mechanical properties of polysilicon, and we have made them available on the BSAC web site. These references have been categorize by the mechanical properties they discuss. These categories are: Stress (papers dealing with the residual stress or stress gradient of polysilicon) Elastic Modulus (papers reporting the Young's modulus or bi-axial modulus of polysilicon) Resonant Quality (papers reporting the resonant quality or damping ratio of polysilicon) Fracture Strength (papers reporting the fracture stress, strain, or toughness) Fatigue (papers reporting life expectancy or fatigue properties of polysilicon) Surface Effects (papers reporting friction, stiction, or wear properties of polysilicon). There is also a collection of papers that report devices made by surface micromachined polycrystalline silicon. More detailed information about the database can be found at its site at Peter Jones