In our institute we have made some experiments with a new negative tone pho= to = resists which can be developed with conventional alkaline developers (as us= ed for = positive tone photo resists). The dimensions of the undercut can be control= led by = the development time. = In a recent published paper =84New negative-tone photo resists avoid swel= ling and = distortion" published in Solid State Technology January 1997 you may find f= urther = informations. Address of the resist supplier: MicroResist Technology, Slabystrasse 7a, D= -12459 = Berlin , Germany phone: +49 30 635 0798, fax: +49 30 635 0991, e-mail: = H.J. Quenzer Fraunhofer Institute for Silion Technology Fraunhoferstrasse 1 D-25524 Itzehoe Germany Phone +49 4821 17 4524, Fax +49 4821 17 4251