High Aspect Ratio Microstructure Technology 1995 HARMST '95 Karlsruhe, Germany July 3-5, 1995 First Announcement and Call for Papers Objective: Provide a platform for exchanging information on various microstructure technologies, materials, handling methods, and theoretical tools used to produce high aspect ratio devices as well as on products and applications. Program: The program is organised in oral and poster sessions according to the key words given below with the aim to avoid parallel sessions. Sessions will be opened by invited talks and may comprise extended talks. Conference language is English. Processes and Materials Primary structuring in thick layers Microelectroforming Micromolding Surface and interface properties and preparation Assembly, interconnection, packaging Theoretical aspects Products and Applications Devices and systems Fields of applications A visit to Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (KfK) with tours to the main microstructuring facilities is planned on Thursday, July 6. Invited speakers: Confirmed invited speakers include W. Ehrfeld, H. Guckel, A Heuberger, R. Kassing, W. Menz, J. Mohr, L. Romankiew and R. Wechsung. Deadlines: Early Registration: May 31, 1995 Abstract: May 1, 1995 Full Paper: July 3, 1995 A book of abstracts will be available at the start of the conference. For more information contact: Dr. H.O. Moser Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe/PMT Postfach 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany email: pmt@pmt.kfk.de Fax: +49 7247 82 5579 or Karen W. Markus MCNC PO Box 12889 RTP, NC 27709-2889 email: markus@mcnc.org fax: 919 248 1455