durusmail: mems-talk: Problem with higher rate chromium ebeam deposition
Problem with higher rate chromium ebeam deposition
Problem with higher rate chromium ebeam deposition
Dear all,

I have a little problem with evaporating Cr by ebeam with our system.
It is well known that Cr can be dep at high rates, presumably several
angstrom/sec.  However, for my case at the moment, at dep rate of above
1A/s, my films would peel off after soaking in solvents (ie water or
acetone etc.), even though films seems to be quite smooth under optical
mic before immersion.  After a few mins the entire films is washed off.

I had also isolated the thickness factor: Good quality film of ~300nm
was deposited at 0.5A/s.  However, when another similar deposition
(~200nm) was done atop yielding a total thickness >400nm, the entire
film peels off as above.  This could well be a stress related issue.
But how is stress affecting my film at higher dep rates, whereas others
have presumably managed to get good films without peeling problems at hi

Dep condition:
Base pressure: 2e-6 mtorr
Dep pressure: ~4e-6 mtorr
Substrate temp: 120C and Rm Temp.
Crucible used: v.carbon (traces of green material is now visble on the
rim of crucible and can be seen on Cr close to the rim of crucible as
Metal used: Cr 99.999%
Target Thickness: 200 to 300 nm.
Substrate: Si or thermal SiO2/Si (substrate clean by acetone/IPA/DI
water + RTP600C/3mins)

Pls advise if possible how I maybe able to dep at higher rates with good

Many thanks and best regards,
Charles K.F. Ho
