Dear all, I have published a curve regarding to PDMS layer thickness with spin speed and spin time. The following is the paper. In the same paper, I also discussed the measurement methods to obtained the thickness of PDMS film. For my experience, the results obtained using ellipsometry is WRONG. I believe the film is too thick to measure using using ellipsometer. Spin-coating is not a good way to handle Sylgard 184 due to curing mechanism. Sylgard 184 is 2 parts products. When you mix them together, the curing agent (Pt particles) will distributed randomly. When you film thick is smaller than the particle diameters (~10um-20um), you can observed this very clearly. I do recommend using the SPIN-ON silicone (WL-5000, Dow corning) if you want to have a uniform thin film. W.Y. Zhang, G. S. Ferguson, S. Tatic-Lucic; "ELASTOMER-SUPPORTED COLD WELDING FOR ROOM TEMPERATURE WAFER-LEVEL BONDING", Technical Digest of 17th IEEE Intl. Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2004), The Netherlands, January 2004. pp. 741-4. Good luck, Lydia