Hi Neftaha, Waht kind of informations do you want? You can start by visiting this address: http://emsto.laas.fr/ http://emsto.laas.fr/WhosWhoHomePage.html and then go to sensors, they have some basic informations about temperature and pressure sensors. I did not know that at AlAkhawayn University there are peolpe working in this area. What kind of research are you doing there? Good luck. Zouhair. -- ****************************************************************** * Zouhair Sbiaa | * * Microsystems Technology Laboratories | * * Massachusetts Institute of Technology |Tel: (617) 253-0730 * * 60, Vassar Street, Room 39-657 |Fax: (617) 253-0062 * * Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A |email:sbiaa@mtl.mit.edu * ******************************************************************