Hi, I have been having problems with bonding PDMS to PDMS. One of the layers have the microchannel (3 mm X 100 microns). I cast this on a SI wafer on which contains the replica of the channel manufactured using SU-8. I use 10:1 ratio of sylgard 184 from Dow Corning. I mix the two solutions for about 3 mins and then degas for about 30 minutes till there are no air bubbles present. When I pour them, the over all height of the layer will be around 3 to 4 mm.( 20 ml + 2ml) The other layer is just a covering layer to close the top of the channel. I just cast in on a cleaned SI wafer. Again, I use the same 10:1 ratio of sylgard 184 here. The over all thickness here is about 2 mm. (15ml + 1.5ml) I then sonicate both of these layers in Ethanol for about 15 mins. I then rinse them with ethanol and let them sit in a 60 degree oven till they are dry. I then plasma treat them. I use a plasma cleaner manufactured I think by Yield Engineering Systems. I use O2 plasma at 1 to 1.2 torr, for 1min at about 22 watts. As soon the plasma treatment is done, I then bond them only to realize that the bonding is no good. I have been reading some discussions on the forum about using different proportions for different layers. I would appreciate if you could guys could suggest something to improve my dilemma. Thanks Vishwa