durusmail: mems-talk: Thin Film PZT Sol-gel Cracks
Thin Film PZT Sol-gel Cracks
Thin Film PZT Sol-gel Cracks
Tolga Kaya
Hi everyone,

I have been trying PZT multiple coatings but I see lots of cracks on
PZT surface. Here is what I did:

PZT Sol-gel F2 (Mitsubishi Materials 220nm/layer) process

Wafer: Si/1um thermal SiO2
PZT Spin: 3sec@500rpm, 1min@1500rpm
Bakes: 5min@75, 1min@400
Anneal: 1min@700 in O2 (RTA)

Repeat this process 5 times to reach ~ 1um thick PZT

Because I am planning to use d33 mode instead of d31, I do not need a
bottom electrode.

Thanks for your responses,
