Hi, I'm wondering if someone can help me with this problem. I'm using an acetic acid/water-based recipe to make PZT thin film by sol-gel method. After spin-coating, I see particle-like dots on the film scattered across the whole wafer. The diameters of the dots range from 3 to 40 microns, and under microscope it looks very light in color under 80x lense. Is it possible that these dots are some kind of precipitate? Since my sol will show transparent crystal-like precipitate after a while. I used to work fine with this recipe, but recently it suddenly shows this problem. I noticed this seems to conincide with the time when I started to use new bottles of chemicals. Is this possible? If possible, what's the cause of it and how do I fix it? (I'm pretty sure the spin-coating environment and the wafer are ok and not a cuase of the dots.) Thank you for the help! Ryan