> I deparately need the book of " Flat and corrugated Diaphragm > design Handbook" by M. D Giovanni, Mercel Dekker(publisher) > > In case the book is available in your library , please let me know. > > If any one of you can suggest me any other reference which > deals with te same subject, I shall be indebted. I am > specifically looking for the design book that deals with > deflection equation of the diaphragms of different shapes. > The "Theory of plates and shells" by timoshenko does deal > with plates but not exactly with diaphargms. > > Can the expression for strain energy for large deflection > with residual stress be solved with Matlab, if yes can > anyone tell which method to be used. This issue is handled in van Rijn et al, "Deflection and maximum load of microfiltration membrane sieves made with silicon micromachining," J MEMS, 6(1), 1997. They address rectangular and square membranes with residual tensile stress undergoing large deflections. Because the incorporation of large deflections makes the problem nonlinear, a number of assumptions need to be made to extract a simple equation of deflection. Different authors have obtained slightly different solutions, and analysis of the problem from strain energy principles can be very time-consuming. If you are modeling a microfabricated device, it may be easier to use FEM to generate numerical solutions. I agree with Shay Kaplan's earlier comment: Timoshenko does deal with diaphragms, in Chapter 9 of "Theory of plates and shells." Large displacements in plates = strain in the middle plane = diaphragm effects. Also, Giovanni's book is available in MIT's library (libraries.mit.edu). Good luck, John Maloney MicroCHIPS, Inc. www.mchips.com