I didn't respond to this because I just don't know what a PDMS structure is or the material. It sound like it must be a polymeric material from the response that I saw below. Even if it is not, I would like to make a few comments on high resolution SEM imaging. Imaging should be done at relatively low accelerating voltages for best results. This gives you the surface detail because the signal is originating close to the surface. If a field emission inlens or semi-inlens detector is available, then very good work can be done at 1kV accelerating voltage or less without coating the sample. Even with these types of SEM's, though, it is common to put a high resolution sputtered coating on the sample. It is generally accepted by the electron microscopy community that an ion sputtered Cr coating gives the best resolution because the grain size is very small. You do have to have a special coater to coat a sample with any topography with a continuous, uniform film that is less than 1 nm thick. My company makes such a high resolution coater. Because Cr oxidizes over a relatively short period, people have gone to Ir and W coatings. These coatings also have fine grain structure and can be coated with less than 1 nm of a continuous and uniform coating but do not oxidize as readily. Sublimed Os coatings are an alternative fine grain size coating that has been used successfully. If the grain size of the coating is not fine enough, then at magnifications in the microscope, you can see the grain structure of the coating and it can interfere with the structure that you are trying to determine. The response that was given below is incorrect for a high resolution SEM coating application. First, 2 nm of gold is too thick. Evaporated gold also has very large crystalline grains and forms islands that are not continuous on polymeric materials. In the original posting, the painting is typically silver or carbon paint that is applied around the edges of the area of interest and helps make a good contact from the coated region to the microscope stage. The drying time was done to avoid the ougassing of solvents. This painting is not done over the area of interest. If there are any questions, please feel free to respond to me. -Scott -----Original Message----- From: Cristi Lepadatu Subject: Re: [mems-talk] any special trick for taking SEM of PDMS You could try to evaporate maximum 2 nm of gold over your structures in rotational mode. Fixed mode (for lift off) may work as well if you don't want to tilt your specimen. Less than2 nm of gold should be transparent to electron beam and shouldn't form crstals. Make sure you have a good contact between your sample and the SEM stage in order to dissipate the charges.