Hi , I experienced very poor adhesion of SU-8 on Si-Nitride, it is not very strong on glass and Si as well. Concerning the fact that AP300 deposits a very thin layer of Ti-Oxide, I deposited 10 A of Ti by evaporation onto SiN and glass. This layer greatly enhanced the adhesion of SU-8. Anyway, a longer PEB at lower temperature is very good to avoid excessive stress. Some structures I bake at 60 deg C for 12 hours, then switch off the hotplate and allow it to cool down slowly. This is mandatory if the development process takes some hours. Best regards Peter Svasek -- Vienna University of Technology Institute of Sensor and Actuator Systems Gusshausstrasse 27-29/366 A-1040 Vienna Austria Brubaker Chad schrieb: >There is an adhesion promoter available for SU-8: > >AP300 from Silicon Resources (siliconresources.com).