Rupesh., 4o gm silver chloride 2oo gm potassium ferrocyanide 20 gm potassium carbonate stainless steel or silver anodes 6o-8o C temp.,1o-15 A/sq.ft. Here is the non-cyanide silver bath. Bala. --- Rupesh Sawantwrote: > hi, > I am trying to electroplate a silver on a glass > slide. I am using > Ammoniacal SIlver Solution (0.72mol/L of NH3 (150ml) > + 0.93gm of > Silver nitrate crystals). THe electroplating is > carried out at 0.1 A > and 1.74 V. But the silver which is plated on my > slide is not uniform. > It appears to me like a mesh. Could someone tell me > proper contents > for the silver plating bath with their accurate > proportions?