I've found that Titanium doesn't stick real well to copper (E-beam deposition) you might try some combination like that to get a good release. --Jason Tauscher Senior Research Engineer Silicon Designs, inc. Jason@sdi.wa.com -----Original Message----- From: dongming he [mailto:dhe@students.uiuc.edu] Sent: Friday, June 05, 1998 1:23 PM To: MEMS@ISI.EDU Subject: release layer for polyimide 2611 Hi, I want to make a clamped spun on PI2611 membrane on a silicon wafer. I use Cr to achieve good adhesion to bond the PI layer around the edge. I want to blow up the membrane from a KOH etched opening at the wafer, which is etched after PI is spun on and fullly cured. I need poor adhesion in the center to blow up the clamped PI easily. Can someone give me suggestions on what type of thin film (copper, polysilicon) is good for this release layer? I have tried SiO2 and nitride. The results is still not satisfactory so far. Thanks! Dongming He