Hi, I don't know at which speed you have spun the polyimide and ppr.I think the curing time was not sufficient in ur process.Precure the polyimide at 120 degrees for 30minutes. Then it will not dissolve in organic solvents like acetone. All the best. with regards , D.sheela Daniela Köglerwrote: Hi, I also work with the polyimid PI-2574. I cured the polyimid at 110 degrees 3 minutes and it got etched and transferred the pattern of a second photoresist layer. Unfortunately the polyimid lost the adhesion to the si-wafer by the removal of the photoresist. I tried to cure the polyimid at 160 degrees; unfortunately it did not get etched with the photoresist. Is there a chance to etch the polyimid with photoresist developer AND remove the photoresist afterwards?