durusmail: mems-talk: Spin Coating PMMA on Si
Spin Coating PMMA on Si
Spin Coating PMMA on Si
pradeep # sharma
I am looking for a recipe to spin coat 10nm think layer of PMMA on Si.

1. Please tell me the concentration(s) of PMMA and thinner to be used.

2. It would be better if you can tell me the plot of spinning speed (rms) versus
thickness (nm) of finally coated PMMA on Si.

3. Please tell me prebaking and postbaking temperatures for such thin film of

4. I would also like to know that how much dose of electron beam would be enough
to process the PMMA thin film.

Too many questions. But please try to answer them for me.

Thanking you.

with regards,
Pradeep Sharma