Hi, Can anyone help me on this? In addition to what I did below, using ultrasonic treatment, I had also tried to heat the substrate in AZ300 stripper at 80-90'C and again treated the substrate with sonication. Hoowever, some of the gold-coated resist still remain on the glass wafer. Jeffrey ________________________________ From: Yue Mun Pun, Jeffrey Sent: Fri 3/23/2007 9:52 PM To: mems-talk@memsnet.org Subject: Patterning Gold heaters on glass Hi, I am trying to pattern Gold (300nm)/Chromium (10nm) heaters on glass wafers via lift-off using AZ5214E photoresist and e-beam evaporation. Here's my process: 1. Dehydration bake glass wafers at 220'C for 30-40mins after cleaning with Acetone and IPA. 2. Spin coat AZ5214E on glass wafers at 5000rpm 3. Soft bake at 95'C for 2mins (on Si wafers, I use 95'C for 1min, since Si is a better heat conductor than glass) 4. Expose the coated glass wafer at 160mJ/sq cm. Normally for Si wafers I would use 74mJ/sq cm, but glass is transparent and has poorer reflectivity, so I have more than doubled the exposure dose. 5. Develop in AZ developer for 20-30s. 6. E-beam evaporate Chromium (10nm) followed by Gold (300nm) through the developed resist openings. 7. Lift-off patterns with combination of Acetone and AZ300 Resist stripper with ultrasonic treatment. Here's the problem I faced. After repeated rinses of Acetone and AZ300 Resist stripper with sonication, some of the resist still remains on the patterns. Can anyone help me by telling me how I can remove the remaining resist on the patterned glass wafer? Jeffrey