Hi CHEN, It's likely that the PMMA is already gone, and your sidewall was not vertical enough. Have you considered negative e-beam resist? Depending on the metals you deposited, you may be able to use something far more aggressive. What metals were they? Without knowing what the metal was, you can try various heated stripper baths (like ALEG-355, PRS-1000, etc). Jesse Fowler Hongzhi CHENwrites: Hi, I am using the e-beam to pattern my sample, the resulotion is not very high, just around 500nm. It is followed by depositing metal. After that, I use the aceton to do the lift-off. My problem is that the metal did not peel off as expected, after puting my sample in the aceton for one day, no any metal peel off. I need to use the ultrasonic to enhence the lift-off process, after around 30 seconds ultrasonic, most of the metal peel off. But some metal around the pattern did not peel off even after around 10 miniutes ultrasonic. Is there any other chemical can remove PMMA better than Aceton? Or is there any other way can enhance this e-beam lift-off process? I appreciate any advice.