Good question. I am sure the manufacturers of double sided aligners will tell you yes but you need to 2 alignment marks to avoid rotational errors. Bill Moffat ________________________________ From: on behalf of Mehmet Yilmaz Sent: Mon 10/8/2007 11:03 AM To: Subject: [mems-talk] double side alignment with respect to a known,but random, area on an SOI wafer. Hello, I have a question about double side alignment of masks with respect to a known but random location on an SOI wafer. I want to align ALL the process steps with respect to a known area (But the position of this area is random. In other words, I can not exactly define the position of this area on an SOI wafer). But after inspection, I can find the place of this random area! I want to align ALL the steps with respect to this area after I find the location of it. Is it possible? Also, I will need the same random area on the device side of the SOI wafer to align with respect to the same random area but from the back side (handle thickness SOI) of the SOI wafer. Is it possible?