Yan, I don't think you can achieve 10A PECVD film precisely and continuously. First few 10A are nucleation islands until they grow into a continuous film at certain thickness, which is not precisely known. Think of PECVD as dispensing salt on a plate from a shaker bottle (well, in principle). Initial layer of salt is full of voids until all salt grains fill up the voids. You don't precisely know when it will fill up most voids, but it has high probability to be filled up at some typical thickness, assuming uniform random distribution. A single tetrahedral Si structure takes about 2A if I remember correctly, so that means about 5 atomic layers of tetrahedral Si structure. Very unlikely to be continous film by this random distribution process. You need growth process in different principle, such as fully thermal driven process or layer-by-layer chemical process. Atomic Layer Deposition process is very precise in ultra thin film growth, but not sure if this technique is available for Si deposition. Regards, Isaac On Sun, 25 Nov 2007, memser wrote: > Hello all, > I designed an optical modulator based on a film structure. But the requirement of precision of film deposition (PECVD, Oxford plasma system 100) is approximately 10 A. It means a deposition time of 1.5 second for PECVD amorphous silicon. I don't know whether this requirment is too difficult to achieve. Maybe subtle changes in chamber of plasma system will lead a disabled device, although we measure the film deposition rate every time before fabriction. > > Best regards! > > X.Yan > memser@tom.com >