Thanks Edward and Andrea for the reply! I need to remove the top ~ 0.1 um of Si with diffusion 'cause I am suspecting my top surface is rich with defects due to the saturating concentration of dopants right at the surface. About surface roughness: I think you don't get rougher than 0.1um when you are etching 0.1um off. And my requirement for surface roughness is very lenient. 0.1um will do. But uniformity is the problem. I have a small RIE (Plastherm 790) but it doesn't give me much uniformity over 3" wafer. right now I am thinking about using low temperature UV oxidation to create some oxide and then remove them by HF. More suggestions? On Dec 19, 2007 12:57 PM, Andrea Mazzolariwrote: > Hello Dave, > which is the thickness you need to remove ? Which is wafer orientation ? > Which is surface rougness you can accept ? > > Andrea