Thanks for all your suggestions. My way of telling how much materials have been removed is by measuring the sheet rho on the Si. Remember that I have a diffusion at the surface? I am suspecting that at the very top Si surface there are lotta lattice damage by phosphorus precipitates etc so that is why I try to remove a small amount of material at the top surface. I have tried very diluted CP etch (HNA=1:10:9) but it always leaves a white-ish cloud Si surface. I don't understand why. For the room temperature KOH, I leave it in there for 5 minutes but it doesn't seem to etch anything. I will do more trials on this. the KOH seems pretty promising. Dave On Dec 27, 2007 1:28 AM, Kvel Bergtattwrote: > >From my experience, KOH and any other primary amine etching of Si don't > go > hand in hand with uniformity. Try a quaternary amine: TMAH is great for > high > etch rates; the more concentrated (>25%) and smoother the resulting > surface > and the lower the ER. Alcohols can be mixed to reduce the ER even lower. > > > > On Dec 21, 2007 8:15 AM, Andrea Mazzolari wrote: > > > Etch rate of HNA depends strongly on HNA composition. > > > > With the right mixings you can obtain very low etch rate. > > > > See Chemical Etching of Silicon, B. Schwart and H. Robbin, J. > EIectrochem. > > Soc, Vol. 123, No. 12. > > > > on line you can find also other articles from the same authors. > > > > In any case, in my opinion the best solution is to use KOH at room > > temperature (it will works on 110 or 100 wafers, not 111)