Hello everyone, We would like to coat a 50 micron wide cantilever with hydrogel polymer. Because of the small width, it is difficult to coat the cantilever with polymer. One of the thoughts involved was using an inkjet printhead that could dispense small drops of 10-20 pLs and thereby coat the cantilever. Can anyone suggest a place where a special type of inkjet printhead can be purchased that would require the least amount of modification to serve our purpose? Thanks for your help in advance! -- Rajib Ahmed, Ph.D. Staff Research Engineer Bay Materials, LLC./ Cantimer, Inc. 3700 Haven Court Menlo Park, CA 94025-1043 Phone # (650)474-0500 X 313 Fax # (650)474-0599 Email Address: rahmed@cantimer.com www.baymaterials.com www.cantimer.com