I am working with thick film SU-8 (above 300um). I found that leveling the wafer and allowing the SU-8 to reflow worked well for reducing the edge beads. I don't know this could be still effective for the thin film. Just some thoughts for your reference. > Hi Bob, > I think the reason you are seeing an additional bead is the acetone. > Usually the preferred solvent is the thinner for your photoresist or a > specific edge-bead solvent sold by most PR suppliers. Photoresist is > highly soluble in acetone and it is possible that the fumes from the bowl > are enough to modify the edge profile. If your PR is thin enough (below > 0.75 um or so) then you can watch the color of the applied PR film during > the EBR step. If it goes through many color changes, then the acetone is > affecting the entire film, which is not a good thing in any case. Acetone > is also highly flammable and therefore dangerous to use in a spray mode > without other precautions. Also, although I am not familiar specifically > with the Suss system, the nozzle for delivery should be at a low angle and > the flow of the solvent should not leave an excess of liquid on the edge > of > the wafer. -- Peng Li Research Assistant Department of Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics University of Rhode Island 133D Kirk, 92 Upper College Road, Kingston, RI 02881 Phone: (401) 874-2247