Dear MEMS colleagues, Thank you all for taking time to respond on my email. At this moment I have received over 10(!) mails, so the MEMS network seems to become quite effective. Now I have read all these mails I am able to draw a premature conclusion. Because you were so kind to take time for an answer I think it is appropriate to give you all a collection of all the responses. Although, I have not yet tackled the problem, there is one answer (#6) which could prevent the forming of cracks in our institute. I hope that this reply is also helpful for you. But whatever is the outcome of your suggestions, Thanks! 1) Some colleagues suggested to use aluminium or titanium instead of chromium. Indeed these layers are much easier to apply than chromium. Unfortunately, for us this is not an option. We are planning to use chromium as one of the metals of a thermocouple since chromium has the highest Seebeck coefficient. 2) Others suggested that the problem could the postbaking of the polymer. When the solvent is not completely removed, there might occur out gassing during the deposition. Indeed this is also critical, but we have baked the polyimide up to 450 degrees in an oven with nitrogen purge to prevent burning of the polymer. This procedure was not able to prevent the cracks. 3) A related solution was to preheat the sample inside the evaporator or to slow down the deposition rate in order to prevent a thermal shock in the polymer during evaporation. We have observed that the cracks occur at the moment the evaporator is vented to room pressure. This means that not the increase in temperature of the polymer-chromium sandwich is critical but the ramping downwards. We have tried to do this as slow as possible but with now result. We have also tried to prevent the temperature of the sandwich to rise too high. This was achieved by the deposition of a very thin layer and by using a thermal aluminium block carefully attached to the sample by way of lots of vacuum grease. The cracks survived this procedure! 4) Another suggestion was to deposit a very thin chromium layer or to deposit the complete layer in a few subsequent steps. First of all a very thin layer is not an option because this would increase the electrical resistance of this layer too. A high resistance makes it much more difficult for the electronics to measure the electrical signal coming from the thermocouple sensor (The signal to noise ratio is getting much worse for a higher input impedance of the first amplifier). Of course, the deposition of many layers could still be an option. We tried this but saw directly that the deposition of 25nm of chromium is already impossible; cracks all over. 5) A fifth option which was put forward was to deposit an intermediate metallic layer. Again this is not an option in our case because this would shortcut the thermocouple with a different thermocouple. Moreover, this mixture of metals can slowly degrade the performance of the thermocouple in time due to bulk migration. 6) A special trick was suggested to one of our colleagues: to roughen the polymer prior to the metal deposition. But that person found no improvement at all. We have not yet tried this solution ourselves but in our opinion this procedure will improve the attachment but we do not see why it would prevent cracks (After all, this rougher surface does not create a "corrugated zone" or something similar.). 7) The last explanation given by Mr/Mrs I.Kanno might be very helpful (S)he wrote: " I think that your Cr layer has tensile stress. So, If you deposit the Cr layer with compressive stress, you will be able to prevent cracking. I used to deposit 2um-thick Cr films on 2um-thick polyimide layers using rf-sputtering, but I also was in trouble with the cracks of the Cr. But I confirmed that the Cr films with compressive stress were very smooth surface without cracks even on a polyimide layer. Stress of the Cr film is easily controlled by the sputtering gas pressure, that is, deposition under low gas pressure (high vacuum) makes metal films compressive. Good luck, I.Kanno." I fully agree with this solution. With all the experiments we have done so far there seems to be a strong indication that the heart of the problem lays in the stress of the chromium and has nothing to do with the polymer directly. It is known that residual gases like oxygen and water vapour out gassing from the vessel walls of the evaporator can easily be incorporated into the deposited layer. For example aluminium which is deposited at 3*10^-6 Torr is almost without stress with respect to an underlying silicon layer. When the background pressure is higher, a compressive (!!) stress is found due to the larger number of foreign molecules in the deposited aluminium. When the pressure is lower, the aluminium will shrink due to the expansion coefficient. When starting a deposition run for a chromium layer it is observed that the background pressure is quickly falling. This is caused by the gettering effect. This means that lots of residual gas is consumed by chromium particles travelling from the source to the sample. So, our experience somehow contradict your findings. You found for chromium that a higher background pressure will result in compressive stress. We found for aluminium exactly the opposite. Nevertheless, your suggestion to vary the background pressure makes sense and we have looked at what kind of vacuum we are able to reach in our (MESA) institute. In MESA we have access to an e-beam evaporator which is able to reach approximately 1*10^-6 Torr. We have also a sputter machine with a cryogenic pump able to reach 1*10^-7 Torr. So, my question towards Mr/Mrs I.Kanno is: 1) What is the vacuum we need to be able to deposit a film under compressive stress? 2) Do you know why my information concerning when the stress is compressive or tensile when varying the background pressure contradicts with yours? I found this information for example in: A.Kubovy and M.Janda, The influence of residual gas pressure on the stress in aluminium films, The research institute of electrochemical ceramics, 28 September 1976. Thank you, Henri Jansen, Cristina Neagu MESA Research Institute, University of Twente, The Netherlands. Dr. Cristina Neagu Associate Researcher MESA Research Institute University of Twente / EL-TTM P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands Phone: x31-53-4892805 Fax: x31-53-4893343 email: