Hi everyone, i meet a damping calculation problem when i design a microgyroscope, i found several damping models in some thesises, but i got many exactly different results with their equations in the same condition. It's my first time to design the inertial sensor and with no experience in the clean room, so i have no idea how different the device performance will be by this exactly different results. My questions are : 1 the damping of the system composed of viscous damping,thermoelastic damping and anchor losses, but shall i need consider all the damping for the damping coefficient in the motion equations or just consider the viscous damping only? 2 how to calculate or deduce the viscous damping(couette damping,squeeze damping) of the device under the different pressure? 3 Does anyone knows a good paper to discuss the deduction of the viscous damping? Thank you for suggestion, Sincerely yours, XinYan