Hi, If you do HF vapor etching, of a 1 micron oxide layer, you shouldn't need holes in the suspended structure unless it is very large. I am currently using it to release a structure about 200 microns wide with no holes in it, and have used it for 50 micron structures before, so in any case these values are definitely doable. Of course, this is only vapor etching. I'm not sure why you need to do wet etching, except maybe for speed, but wet etching of 1 micron layers will probably give you trouble with surface tension/wetting and may be limited by diffusion in the water. Hope it helps and good luck :-) // Morten Yan Xin wrote: > Hi everyone, > > For the inertial sensors, we usually need to perforate the suspended > structure to release the structure with wet etching process. > -But how to know if the holes are big or dense enough to release the structure > completely? > > For example, in the SOIMUMPs process, the oxide layer is 1 microm, the > structure layer is about 25 micron, undercut is 1.8 micron per side by HF > vapor etching, > -Does this mean that the distance between edges of two adjacent etched > holes must be less the 1.8*2 micron if i need to release the structure > completely?