Hello Peter, What are you trying to etch? Aqueous solutions of TMAH (tetramethylammonium hyroxide) and EDP (ethylene diamine pyrocatechol) also etch silicon anisotropically, and there's plenty of literature out there on both. TMAH is particularly useful because it isn't as toxic as EDP and you generally don't have metal ion contamination. Here's an excellent article that covers almost the whole gamut: Kovacs, Maluf, and Petersen: "Bulk Micromaching of Silicon," Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 86, Number 8, August 1988. Regards, Brian C. Stahl Graduate Student Researcher UCSB Materials Research Laboratory brian.stahl@gmail.com / bstahl@mrl.ucsb.edu Cell: (805) 748-5839 Office: MRL 3117A On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 8:28 AM, Fei Wangwrote: > you can of course try (110) and (111) silicon wafer > > 2009/2/5, KUIJPERS, Peter : > > Hi all, > > > > Is there a recipe for wet anisotropic etching of Si? > > Now we use KOH on {1,0,0} wafers, resulting in a slope of 54.7°. > > Maybe another crystal orientation and/or etching agent. > > > > Thanks in advance > > > > Peter Kuijpers