Dear KC SiO2 exhibits excellent masking property in TMAH solution. I use thermally grown oxide layers of about 0.9~1um thickness in 25 wt% TMAH at 80 C for more 10 hours in order to etch {100}Si. I think, in your case, oxide layer is very thin (500 A as you mentioned) and porous. I suggest you to deposit thick oxide layer and do the etching in 5-10 wt% TMAH if etched surface roughness is not the issue, as the low concentration provides high etch rate but rough etched surface morphology. If you have the thermal annealing facility, anneal you oxide deposited wafers at 1000 C for about one hour. Cr-Au metal layer can use as mask in both KOH and TMAH. I think in your case adhesion of deposited layer is not good. So before using the Cr-Au as mask, check the adhesion of metal layer. It can simply be done by scotch tape test method. Best regards Prem