Hi, Terry, I have used 49% HF (I am not sure, but someone called it pure HF), the etching rate was quite unstable from 4 to 12um/min. Cr/Au is widely used as a good mask for not too long etching time. You can also try to use a silicon wafer as a hard mask if you want to do a long time etching, for instance, etching through a whole glass wafer. You can check following papers for more information about that: Corman T, Enoksson P and Stemme G 1998 Deep wet etching of borosilicate glass using an anodically bonded silicon substrate as mask J. Micromech. Microeng. 8 84–7 Wang F, Li X, Guo N, Wang Y and Feng S 2006 A silicon cantilever probe card with tip-to-pad electric feed-through and automatic isolation of the metal coating J. Micromech. Microeng. 16 1215-20 Hope it helps. Good luck! 2009/5/1, Terry Zhu: > To all, > > I am trying to develop a controlled glass etching using HF/H2O. Is there any > of you who have experience about it? Any recomendations or comments about > etchant composition, temperature, stiring condition, etch rate would be > appreciated. > > Terry Z > Best regards, Yours sincerely Fei Wang ______________ Postdoctoral researcher, Dr MIC - Department of Micro and Nanotechnology Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Building 344, 1st floor, Room no. 130 DK-2800, Kgs. Lyngby Denmark Tel: +45 4525 6311 Fax: +45 4588 7762 Email: fei.wang@nanotech.dtu.dk http://www.nanotech.dtu.dk