durusmail: mems-talk: Positive sidewall, dry etch of silicon using BOSCH process
Positive sidewall, dry etch of silicon using BOSCH process
Positive sidewall, dry etch of silicon using BOSCH process
James Paul Grant
On what basis do you make these suggestions?

Do you have first hand experience?



Jie Zou wrote:
> Try first less bias. then less RF power. then less SF6.
> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 6:11 AM, shimul saha  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am using BOSCH process for deep dry etching of silicon. The gases are SF6,
O2 during etching cycles and C4F8 during deposition cycles.. At present I am
getting slightly negative sidewall, but I want a positive sidewall. Can you
please provide any hint, probably changing gas ratio (incerase or decrease any
of the gas content) or power to get a positive sidewall in etching. Any
suggestions will be greatly helpful for me. Thanking you in advance.
>> Best regards,
>> Shimul

Dr. James Paul Grant
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Microsystems Technology Group
76 Oakfield Avenue Room 3
University of Glasgow
G12 8LS

Telephone: +44(0)141 330 3374
