Hi Mikas, beside spezial MEMS literature that might be available I would still recommend the good old SZE - "VLSI Technology" S.M.Sze (Bell Labs) McGraw-Hill Book Company. A similar one would be "Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era - volume 1: Process Technology" edited by Stanley Wolf / Richard N.Tauber - Lattice Press. These both you maybe know already - a more recent one would be "Semiconductor Micromachining - volume 2: Techniques and Industrial Applications" edited by S.A.Campbell / H.J.Lewerenz - Wiley. Best regards, Karl ---------------------------------------- Karl Kuehl Technical Manager Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration Hansastrasse 27d 80686 Muenchen Germany Tel.: +49 (0)89 54759 237 Fax: +49 (0)89 54759 550 email: karl.kuehl@izm-m.fraunhofer.de http://www.izm-m.fraunhofer.de/