Extending on Shay and Al's observations, let me add that reducing the surface- to-volume ratio through design could be beneficial, i.e. taller vs. planar structures. But defects as they manifest on the top and bottom surfaces (handling concerns) will be very different from those that appear along etched sidewalls. Raj -- Raj Gupta Volant Technologies http://terahz.org ________________________________ From: Shay KaplanTo: General MEMS discussion Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 11:20:09 PM Subject: Re: [mems-talk] Si stress-strain relationship and allowable stress The main cause for fracture in single crystal devices is stress concentration - this may be design related but also, scratches, defects surface pinhole etc are reducing the actual fracture strength of the crystal. Actually, the smaller the device area, the higher if fracture strength since statistically it will have less defects. Shay