Dear Xiaoyong, you can try metal: Tungsten,but there are more others. I have tried the mentioned one, thus I suggest to try this one, especially as it is relatively easy to remove in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). I recommend you the papers of Kirt R. Williams, J. of MEMS vol. 5 no. 4 (1996) and vol 12 no.6 (2003). Best Regards. Karolina ---------- Wiadomość przekazana dalej ---------- From: Xiaoyong LiuTo: Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 20:08:24 +0000 Subject: [mems-talk] protecting layer/material during KOH Si etching for SiN membrane formation Hi All, I am in a processing of making SiN membrane by using KOH chemical etching on SiN(~50nm) coated Si wafers. There are some patterns on one side of wafer, and I want them intact during KOH etching. The total etching time will be about 5-6 hours. I am wondering if there is any material/film I can put on to protect that side of wafer, and can be readily removed afterwards.. Thanks a lot Xiaoyong