Dear all MEMS-list subscribers, One very important piece of information while designing micro-fabrication flows is known etch-rates of your materials in different etchants. For several years I have made good use of Etch Rates for Micromachining Processing, part I and II by Williams et. al to get a first idea of possibilities. These papers are certainly a good source, but they are not complete and they are by now a few years old. Does anyone here know about a more complete compilation of etch rates, or perhaps a smaller, but complimentary collection? I am interested in papers as well as books or other media, if available. best regards, /Sven Holmström, Koc University, Istanbul, Optical Microsystems Laboratory ( Work phone: +90 212 338 1 772 Mobile phone:+90 5383365642 FAX: +90 212 338 1548 (Please note my name) E-mail: Work address: Koç University Dept. of Electrical Engineering Rumeli Feneri Yolu, Sariyer 34450, Istanbul-Turkey