Dear Yang, It looks like I am dealing with the same kind of process: SOI wafers with device layer of 340 nm, and backside etching of handle layer with TMAH (25wt%, 90C). I am currently using a multilayer of PECVD oxides and nitrides as etch mask. In order to enhance the masking properties of these layers, you can anneal them at high temperature (> 800C) for at least 20 minutes in nitrogen atmosphere. Furthermore, I use a stainless steel holder to protect the frontside of the wafer. Hope this can help, Regards, Massimiliano Decarli > Dear all, > > Thank you for your reply. The top Si layer of SOI is only 300 nm and with > pattern, therefore I could not grow thermal SiO2 on top. For my purpose, one > way is to put a glass substrate on top side of SOI and seal the edge with > some polymer. I don't know wheather there is such kind of polymer which can > suvive in base (KOH or TMAH) and be easy to remove afterwards. > > Regards > > Weiquan Yang > EE department, University of Texas at Arlington Massimiliano Decarli BioMEMS Group FONDAZIONE BRUNO KESSLER - FBK Via Sommarive 18, I-38123 Povo (TN), Italy Phone: +39 0461 314497 Fax: +39 0461 302040 E-mail: Web: