Hi all, I want to make lift off by using positive resist AZ5214. My problem is the defects at the edge of my figure (from 1 um width to 10 um width) after the liftoff process. My recipe: 1. step cleaning and dehydration bake 2. step 4000 rpm 40 sec HMDS 3. step 4000 rpm 40 sec AZ5214 4. step soft bake 110 oC 55 sec 5. step exposure 5mW 75 sec (soda lime mask,Karl Süss MJB3) 6. step 10 min chlorobenzene soak 7. step blow off chlorobenzene with N2 8. step develop AZ 400K:DI=1:4 70 sec ,rinse with DI, blow dry with N2 9. step Cr sputter 100 nm (hard mask during the reactive ion etcing process) 10. step lift off ultrasonic bath best regards Gonca Aras goncaras@gmail.com