Hi, Use an ion barrier such as Si3N4 to trap the Na+ ions, then a glass to Si3N4 interface at 400 C should bond. Best regards, Julian. ----- Original Message ----- From: "A.ALLOUCH"To: "General MEMS discussion" Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 4:06 PM Subject: [mems-talk] pyrex/pyrex anodic bonding Hi, I am trying to bond a pyrex wafer to another 4 inch pyrex wafer by anodic bonding. For that I use an amorphous silicon deposited by PECVD as intermediate layer (less than 1 µm thickness) or polysilicon deposited by LPCVD. The parameters which I use are: 450°C on both wafers, 1200 V and 200N, but in both case I don't have a good bonding. if you have any suggestions, they will be welcome. best, Alaa