Hello Muhammad I don't think XeF2 should have any attack on AlGaN-GaN. So this would be a good choice. If you do not have access to an XeF2 etcher please contact me and we can try it for you on one of our demo systems. Best Regards David David Springer XACTIX, Inc. 2403 Sidney St. Suite 300 Pittsburgh, PA 15203 Tel: 412 381 3195 Fax: 412 381 1136 Mobile: 412 656 3573 > Sample: 2.2um AlGaN-GaN on 500um Si substrate. Process steps done: In selected areas AlGaN-GaN is etched down to Si. Target: Etch Si further down. I don't use RIE for Si etch, because I suspect the physical bombardment of plasma may damage the top 17nm AlGaN. Possible solution: XeF2 isotropic Si etch because its only chemical process without any RF QUESTION: Does XeF2 attack AlGaN-GaN ? Muhammad Qazi Dept. of EE University of South Carolina Columbia, SC29208