Angela, I think you are refering to what is called Dry Film Resist. Dry film resist is commonly used in printed circuit board industry and can cover a much larger area than spin photoresist. However, thickness is needed to hold the film together so film photoresist typically comes in thickness of around 50 microns, and is applied to a planar area by hot roll lamination. Resolution is also lower. The smallest line/space that a state of the art PCB company can mass produce are 100 micron/100 micron. The following web sites, along with many other sites, explain more about dry film photoresist. Hope that helps. Patrick Cheung, research scientist Xerox PARC, MS 35-1674 (O) 650-812-4338 (FAX) 650-812-4719 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 "pcheung can mems, and so can you!" >> >> On Thu, 13 May 1999, Angela Rasmussen wrote: Anyone know of something called photoresist "tape"? Someone described it to me as being patternable photoresist, but in a "tape" solid form instead of that of liquid. Please let me know where it can be purchased, and if such a product even exists. Thanks. -Angela Rasmussen The George Washington University The Institute of MEMS and VLSI Technologies